In the world of software development, managing groups of objects effectively is crucial. Collections simplify the management of objects by providing a structured way to store, access, and manipulate groups of items, allowing developers to implement cleaner and more efficient code. In TypeScript, creating a custom collection class can elevate this even further by incorporating strong typing and object-oriented principles. This not only enhances code reliability and readability but also empowers developers with tools to build robust and scalable applications.

Why Use a Collection Class?

Collection classes are pivotal in software architecture for several reasons:

  • Encapsulation: They keep data management logic tidy and self-contained.
  • Type Safety: TypeScript enhances collections with strict type checks, ensuring that only objects of a specified type are stored, reducing runtime errors.
  • Reusability and Maintainability: Custom collection classes can be designed to be reusable across projects and easily updated or extended.

Let’s dive into how to build a basic yet powerful collection class in TypeScript, complete with methods like add, remove, and an iterator implementation to traverse through the collection.

Implementing a Collection Class in TypeScript

First, we will define a generic Collection<T> class where T is constrained to objects. This class will provide methods to add and remove items, get the number of items, and iterate over these items.

type ObjectWithId = { id: number };

class Collection<T extends ObjectWithId> {
    private items: T[] = [];

    add(item: T): void {

    remove(id: number): void {
        this.items = this.items.filter(item => !== id);

    get count(): number {
        return this.items.length;

    [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<T> {
        let pointer = 0;
        return {
            next: (): IteratorResult<T> => {
                if (pointer < this.items.length) {
                    return {
                        done: false,
                        value: this.items[pointer++]
                } else {
                    return {
                        done: true,
                        value: null as any // TypeScript requirement for end of iteration

Example Usage

Let’s utilize this class by creating a Fruits collection. We’ll define a Fruit class, each instance of which will have an id and a name.

class Fruit {
    constructor(public id: number, public name: string) {}

const fruits = new Collection<Fruit>();
fruits.add(new Fruit(1, 'Apple'));
fruits.add(new Fruit(2, 'Banana'));

console.log(`Number of fruits: ${fruits.count}`); // Output: 2

// Removing a fruit by ID

// Using the iterator to list fruits
for (let fruit of fruits) {

Understanding the Iterator

The iterator in our collection class allows TypeScript to use the collection in for...of loops, providing a convenient way to access each item sequentially. The [Symbol.iterator]() method returns an object conforming to the Iterator interface, which implements a next() method. This next method returns an object of IteratorResult<T>, indicating whether the iteration is complete (done) and providing the current value (value). The pointer tracks the current position in the array.

Each call to next() advances the pointer, returning the next item in the collection until there are no more items, at which point it returns { done: true, value: null }.

Final Thoughts

Understanding how to implement and use custom collection classes in TypeScript can significantly improve the quality of your codebase, making it more manageable and type-safe. With the basics covered in this guide, you can extend these concepts to create more specialized collections tailored to specific needs of your applications. Experiment with different types of collections, such as sets or maps, and consider integrating advanced TypeScript features like decorators or interfaces to further enhance their functionality and integration with your overall architecture.



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